Saturday, April 29, 2006

Kanosis- Last Chance for Pre-Launch!

"First - the Software (COIL)

You are paying $22 per month for the use of a software called COIL. COIL is Java based and allows you to access your data from anywhere. Works with Windows, Linux etc... and works almost like an office network where you can sit at any office chair and access the info in your computer. Keep in mind, this can not be confused with gotomypc. com or other networks like it - you are not actually accessing your PC and leaving it open - you data is selected by you and is stored on a HUGE virtual hardrive (COIL).

What does this mean? This means you choose what is stored there - and of course, it is all still on your computer. Good thing is, your information is backed up on this web database, encrypted and secured. If YOU have a computer crash, your info is still safe. etc... You could be at your friends house and log onto Kanosis, access COIL and show your friend the pictures you have uploadded to COIL etc... Perfect for business as ther is no more emailing of writing data onto a CD to take on business trips, among a ton of other benefits.

In addition, you have a 'My Space', an email account, contact list, schedule centre - you name it! I would equate it with having a virtual Laptop!

How popular will this software be? I can see the majority of people, especially businesses, accessing Kanosis and using the COIL software within the next 5 years. I believe this because I am already using it and it has opened my eyes. In addition, Google agrees! In recent news articles, Google is also working on a similar software. However, Kanosis is recorded to be ahead of Google by two years. Thats Big! COIL will be known as the grandfather os this field in software.

The Opportunity for you

Your membership fee, $15, allows you to be a member of Kanosis and potentially earn income from a downline/Team.. Many top complanies use the MLM system and are successful! Amway, Herbalife, Primerica etc.. successful companies with a powerful MLM system in place. However, many people shy away from MLM because of the difficulty in gaining a downline. Perhaps they are not good at sales, don't like confronting others, or find it overwhelming that they need to constantly recruit people to their downline. It can be tiring if you don't have the right skills to make it in the MLM field. This is where Kanosis differs.

With Kanosis, only 2 referrals are needed. Your 2 referrals will need 2 referrals also etc... After you have your 2 referrals, your all set. In my opinion however, a good team leader, which is what you are, is active within their team, supporting, assisting and encouraging your team in their journey with Kanosis as well. If everyone is proactive in their team, your downline will grow upto 14 levels deep.

To recap, you are not responsible to promote and REFER a large sum of people - only 2. The product (COIL) is simple to sell! Who doesnt want to be able to access their data from anywhere in the world? In addition, after the launch date of May 1st, all members will have their own advertising link that will explain Kanosis in it's entirety, along with a short film.

The Pre-launch

Why are those involved in Kanosis promoting to join before the launch on May 1st? Joining before May 1st - allows you 5gigs of storage space on COIL - after that - it is reduced to 2gigs. 2 gigs will be what is available to the world when the launch is set and active. In addition, the mass promotion after launch will draw many to Kanosis. If you get in at the ground floor, your potetial for growth within your team will increase.

If you have ANY questions, please post here - any of us who are a part of Kanosis will answer your questions as best we can. Remember that ALL information can be found on the Kanosis web page. Inaddition, there is a short movie trailer and other areas of interest that can further explain and expand (in great detail) as to what I have posted here already. This seriously is not an opportunity you want to miss out on. You can reach the home page my clicking on my siggy.

Thanks for reading this far - and I hope you enjoy the opportunity ahead of you.

However, that the membership increases on May 01. That is important - you save $10 if you sign up today - and today IS the last day for that...and the 5gigs that is."

Written by another Kanosian at Thanks for the Great Explanation of this Wonderful new MLM Venture and Cool Internet Technology! :)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Secret

I finally watched it last night. I think even though I already knew the information presented to me, it still helped me open my eyes wider as to the endless possibilities that I have to change my life.

We are the Master of our own Destiny and we attract the kinds of things we want in our lives. Because of this, it is our choice to be Wealthy, Healthy and have Wonderful Relationships.

I want to make a 6 figure income and I want it to happen soon. If you keep telling yourself what you want, you make it real. Because like Dale Carnegie says "Thoughts are Things"

This Life Changing information is only $4.95 and that is for a full length 90 minute film that will Change your Life.

For more information about The Secret go to:

The Secret Website

Friday, April 14, 2006

Making it Work: Your Home Business

My friend Kira was discussing in her Blog. How can she possibly get her Home Business off the ground.

Well, in my experience with Home Businesses and the things I have read about. I think the first step is to reach for support from your Upline and if there is no support there then seek advice from someone with experience in either your business or their own.

But you have to remember different businesses require different kind of Marketing. In Kira's business requires a lot of 'hands on' to build a team and customer base.

Another key to running a home business, is you have to have passion for it and believe in it as much as you believe yourself.

Also my other friend Andrea recommends a Good Follow-up and I think that is another important key to a Success Business. Because it is not like people do not want to do your business, it is just sometimes they get to busy or do not have the time right now but are still interested in your business.

Right now I guess you can say I am in between businesses but I don't think I have really found my niche and that is another thing you want to do when searching for a home business. I usually try to look for people who are like myself. Ambitious, Determined and Ready to Be Financially Independent. But I think passion is number one in any business and always look until you find something you can really love to do.

I am still looking but having fun in the process.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006

Ok Final Conclusion on My Business Decision

Well after thorough deep thinking I decided Jerky is not the business I want to really be in. Why? Well, the Jerky is delicious and natural but the Compensation Plan is low and I am playing with dealing with numbers and not enough time with people.

Although Jerky is not completely out of the picture. I will do an Ad for it here and there but that is it.

I need something I do not need to speak with people and I can just market the Product and make my money that way because of My Time Constraints.

I will reveal this venture later in the month. :)

I am TRULY EXCITED and I already have a Marketing Plan in place.