Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Successful Blogger: Basic Tips
1) Have a WordPress Blog. WordPress picks up on Google more than any other Blog.
2) Host your WordPress Blog on your own Server. HostGator has unlimited Hosting for only $10 a month. PLUS if you use the coupon code 'wordpress' you will get your first month for a penny! :)
3) CONTENT IS KING! That is no lie. Be sure to provide a lot of unique content for your readers so that they keep coming back for more.
4. Once you get a WordPress Blog and host it on your own Server be sure to add Simple Tags for your Blog keywords so that Google can pick up on your Blog even more!
5. Add an RSS Feed from Feedburner.
For even MORE Good Information to become a Successful Blogger click on the Links
Below :) :
10 Things every Blogger should Have
Blogging Tips for Beginners
Monday, October 29, 2007
Considering Biz Blog Overhaul
Also for my Travel Blog, I had wanted to do a more focused approach to get traffic and Travel Booking Sales. I already write articles but they are not for the travel booking link. But I do have somewhat of a plan set aside for my Travel Blog.
I had 2 more articles published at EzineArticles.com . I am going to be more focused with my Articles also.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Blogging World - Successful Bloggers Part 1
I also noticed all the SUCCESSFUL Blogs share the same format. Which I am still trying to figure out what that is. Its very interesting. Most of them are hosted also on WordPress. I do have a WordPress Blog, and I am using for my Travel Blog.
Let me share with you some examples of these Blogs:
Celebrity Handbags for Rent
Do you all see the similarities? Do you also notice all the affiliate links to the right? Do you also notice that they mostly have the same template? Am I crazy?? I want to have a Successful Blog with my NICHE.
I am also proud of this Blog, I think I have some readers that like to read it every now and then and its always nice to have that. But, at the same time I want to have a Successful Blog.
I have more to say about this Subject, but I will be doing various Posts on it and my version of what makes a Successful Blogger.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Another Great Social Media eBook
The eBook is called Authority Black Book which covers "64-Pages Of Resources For Web 2.0 Niche Domination,
Buzz Generation, Higher Rankings, And Endless Traffic" . Very Good eBook to Compliment Michelle M.'s Social Media Daily. BOTH these eBooks are FREE.
Web 2.0 is really where its at right now with Internet Marketing.
Friday, October 26, 2007
BuyMyStupidEbook.com!! LOL!!!
Well I came across a quite interesting eBook today LOL...
Where you are GUARANTEED to make Millions of Dollars NO EFFORT AT ALL!
LOL :)
Tips for Choosing a Dot Com
*Make sure you actually use dot COM. People are more likely to remember a .COM Domain than .INFO, .NET etc...Especially keep in mind, when they see your domain one time from an Advertisement and try to remember it later, they will more likely to type in .com in the search bar than any other extension.
*Make sure it is memorable. I have a domain titled DirtPoorNoMore.com, it captures people's attention and wonders what you are promoting.
*Use your own Name in the title. I have PLENTY of .Coms with my name in the title, it just makes it easier in making up a name and making it my own. Some Examples: JackiesFamousJerky.com, JackiesGPT.com, JackiesCruiseTips.com, JackiesTravelDeals.com. It really flows, but of course it also depends on your own name.
*Be sure to not use numbers in place of real words, it can confuse the people when they later try remember your domain and they may give up searching for it.
*Take advantage of the Online Thesaurus when coming up with a name.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
MyBlogLog & Social Media
Whats also amazing about this site, is how quickly people find you and read your Blog. I will be going through the site more thoroughly in the next couple of days and see how I can get the most of it.
MyBlogLog is also powered by Yahoo!. Remember to also utilize the FREE Ebook about Social Media by Michelle M. when you begin to take advantage of Social Media.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Office Space
My FAVORITE Quote from the Movie is from Peter, the main character, when he says "We weren't meant to spend it this way. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements."
AND ITS SO TRUE! Hey, though, if you Love your Job...Kudos to you. But for me and others, the time is NOW to escape the Rat Race. Keep in mind though, when you decide to make this move, that it will take hard work and consistency.
What would you do if you had a Million Dollars?
One of the questions that was asked is...What would you do if you had a Million Dollars? The main character Peter had asked his fellow co-workers that question because they said that if whatever you chose to do is what you are supposed to do with your Life.
If I had a Million Dollars I would own Multiple Businesses including Brick & Mortar, pursue my Dream of Singing
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Why do some People Struggle in Business?
I think its hard for some and easy for others because some have more confidence, some have already been in similar situations liked worked in Sales or had other Businesses like Brick and Mortar type Businesses such as Restaurants, Mortgage Firms, etc...
A lot of people say it just takes time really. I believe that but having doing this or attempting to do it for 7 years (since I was 18 years old but with some personal life happenings in between) I would think that my time should already be here. And it will come soon.
Anyone else who feels like they are struggling, remember like Dory in Nemo says "Just Keep Swimming, Keep Swimming"
Friday, October 19, 2007
Little Checks
What I really want is a couple of GREAT BIG Checks every month. Now time to work on Business...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Writing an eBook to Promote your Business
See the concept of the eBook is to give good information to future or possible Prospects. They are satisfied with your information, so they want to learn more about YOU and when they do they discover your Business and think, hey I like this person, I like the information they have provided me and hey I am interested in their Business and sometimes join. If they decide not join you are still building your list. :)
I plan to write an eBook, not clear what to write about but I will work towards it.
Speaking of eBooks I came across a good one today by Jack Bastide, another Network Marketer who uses his eBook to Promote himself and his Business and provide Good information in the process...
Click HERE for the FREE eBook!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Worked on my Business
Again cannot wait to see Results. :D
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
How to put in Long Hours for a Business Start-up
But you also have to be Consistent in your Business and make sure your Job and Home Life are also taken care of. The problem with this is Exhaustion from Work, Home Life and Trying to run a Home based Business from Home. So I had compiled a list of things to do to stay on task for your Business:
POWER NAP which is basically taking a 15-20 minute nap during the day or at night, depending on your schedule to revitalize and work on your Business.
SHOWER A hot shower is very refreshing and will give you some energy that you need to finish up Projects.
DRINK COFFEE nothing like drinking Coffee at night. It doesn't have to be a lot, maybe a cup or two to help you re-energize on your Business Projects.
ENERGY DRINK I am not big on those, but they can give you a quick jolt when you need it.
FOCUS on why you need to work on your Business.
Remember to not overdue it and cause a burn-out working on your Business. Remember this is your way to Financial Independence!
My Dream is to be Financially Independent!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Different Types of Marketing
MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING/NETWORK MARKETING is described as recruiting people in your down line and make commissions off their sales and down line. Some levels go as many as 7 Levels down in Commissions. Most Network Companies offer Auto Ship for their Products or Services in order to give an 'Residual Commission' for their Members.
INTERNET MARKETING is using the Internet to Market Products or Services. Some examples include Search Engine Marketing, Pay Per Click, Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing.
AFFILIATE MARKETING is a way to promote Internet Businesses through using another Affiliate and pay them commission based on every new sale or customer the Affiliate may bring them.
My Goal is to MASTER all of these Methods of Marketing. Marketing is a very Powerful way to do Business. Once you master Marketing, you will never have to worry about Sales again.
Worked on my Business
I have also had some issues with my Jerky Domain, which is hosted on another site and that site is down at the moment because of it (Private site but part of it will be used for my Team site). So what I have to do is at least purchase a Direct Domain for the Jerky site so that people will know where to go to sign up and purchase Jerky.
I want to make all three of these things work to its FULL POTENTIAL so I can QUIT MY JOB and WORK FROM HOME and be FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT. I will do what it takes.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Back to My 30 Day Challenge
What inspired me to do a 30 Day Challenge in the first place was Lynn Terry, and her $20k in 20 Days Challenge. Lynn of course has been working from home for many years so she is already a step ahead of myself and she is doing her own Challenge to earn even MORE Money from Home.
So what I am going to do is Blog about My 30 Day Challenge privately, not making any attempt to get Traffic to that Blog as I think it would be best if I did it on my own...I will be Posting my Blog Progress 30 Day Challenge link though on this Blog though.
Well My 30 Day Challenge, I set out my Plan tonight!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
1,000 $1 Bills easier than $1,000 Profit each time?
Most of the Businesses costing $1,000 or more are Direct Sales and do not have Residuals coming in. Although some of them consist of One up or Two up sales, which means passing up one or two sales to your Up line in order to 'Qualify' for your Commissions and of course your Team Members would do the same when they join your Business. I know of some people who do really well with this kind of System.
I think it takes the same amount of work for you to earn $1,000 or 1,000 $1 Bills. I think you maybe able to automate the $1 Sales more easily though. Although I am very Surprised out how hard I have seen for someone to do a Free or Cheap Business
Basically my point is...its all in the power of your mind, what you can or cannot make. The only skill you need to make $1 or $1,000 is Marketing.
Market Saturation is a MYTH!
First of all, there are over 6 billion in the people in the WORLD. Over 300 million of those people live in the United States. In the United States, there is a new birth every 7 seconds, one death every 13 seconds, One international migrant (net) every 27 seconds, which means a net gain of one person every 11 seconds. According to the U.S. Government Census.
There are always people being born, growing up and moving out. Always someone out there who wants to build a Business, a Successful Business. There is room for everyone in every MLM Business if they CHOOSE to!
No such thing as Market Saturation on the Internet neither because the internet is exploding with Growth!
So next time a Prospect or a MLM failure tries to tell you otherwise you make sure to inform him with the facts!
Web 2.0 vs Automated Business Systems
Wiki defines it as In alluding to the version-numbers that commonly designate software upgrades, the phrase "Web 2.0" hints at an improved form of the World Wide Web. Technologies such as weblogs, social bookmarking, wikis, podcasts, RSS feeds (and other forms of many-to-many publishing), social software, web application programming interfaces (APIs), and online web services such as eBay and Gmail provide a significant enhancement over read-only websites.
But there is also a growing number of Automated Business Systems for high ticket businesses such as 1st Step System or Reverse Funnel System used to attract people interested in making a big profit without having to call prospects and talk to them about your Business or Brand yourself on the Web by using Web 2.0. A lot of people call this "REMOVE the "human factor" from marketing." I disagree.
Personally I like both Systems, you can implement both of the techniques for your Online Business.
I like the Automation Business because all you need to focus on is Marketing aspect of your Business, which is great for your Direct Sales portion of your Business or smaller MLM type of Business. Like Jerky or Travel Bookings.
You want to eliminate the tire kickers and those that are not serious about joining a Business. Which gives me a new idea for my Lead Capture page that I plan on Building.
I think also you can use the Web 2.0 and then put the prospect through your Automated System and find yourself a TRUE Person interested in Joining and READY to Go! Whether it be for high ticket item or a regular MLM Business.
Anyway that is my opinion on these two new craze.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Working (Business)

I had read a Post about PostCard Marketing and this day and age, there are easier ways to do it. Like the company SendOutCards which will process and ship and all you need to do is provide the shipping addresses and payment! I might look into it in the future.
Right now I am debating whether or not I should focus on both Sales and Networking of my Travel Business. My BIG Main Focus is to get Travel Bookings=$ale$= Travel Agents= Financial Independence. At least from that perspective is the way I look at it. Although I would like to build a team in the process. Hmmmm....
I also need to look into building my Team sites for both my Travel and Jerky Business.
Still have no concrete Marketing Plan. Sigh. Hmmm I will work on that some more. I also want to get a good list of Networking Forums and other Social Media.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Top 5 Marketing Tips on the Web Today
1. Social Media is a great way to market your Business. Using Social Book Marketing such as sites like Digg or Del.icio.us, Social sites like MySpace or FaceBook etc...can bring a lot of Traffic to your website if used properly.
2. Blogging is a great way to bring short term Traffic to your Blog and/or Website. Pinging and consistently Updating your Blog daily is a good way to bring you more Traffic.
3. Forums by participating and placing your business link in your signature of your Posts will not only bring you Traffic but a following.
4. Article Marketing will bring long term traffic by placing your Business and information about you in the Resource box for visitors who are more interested in learning what you do after seeing what you write.
5. PPC or Pay Per Click can bring a lot of Targeted Traffic to your Website and/or Blog very inexpensively. Google Adwords is a good place to start.
Social Media?
Social Media
Wiki defines it as "Social media describes the online technologies and practices that people use to share content, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives, and media themselves. Social media can take many different forms, including text, images, audio, and video. The social media sites typically use tools like message boards, forums, podcasts, bookmarks, communities, wikis, weblogs etc."
So anything like Digg, Del.icio.us, MySpace, Squidoo, YouTube etc...can all bring Traffic to your Website and/or Blog.
Honestly I have never heard of this until I read a online friend's of mines Blog.
Anyway she had found a resource that has given away a great FREE Resource on the subject and how to use it for your advantage to gain traffic to your Blog.
The EBook is called Social Media Daily BluePrint by Michelle MacPhearson. She has already given away more than 3,555 copies. This this is VIRAL and PACKED with information!
Click Here to get your FREE Copy :)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The Little Blog that Could....
I am working on something BIG and I am reading A lot of information about it to Promote it. I think I chose a great niche, the niche deals with a specific business I am in, I am a in a Marketing Group and feel I am on the right track.
So whats my problem? I guess my fear is that if I plug my Blog and promote, promote, promote that I will actually get Sales from it. Maybe that is my problem. Sigh.
Entrepreneur Assist
Right now I am going to play with the Program and see how I can utilize for my Business. :)
Work at Jobs?
Another place I like to go is MommyJobs.com.
When working from home you will most of the time be required to have both an Internet and Phone Connection. Also some companies may require that you have a headset for better communication with customers.
Here are a list of work at home jobs to get going:
Alpine Access
Also something to consider is becoming a phone actress from home.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Black Monday
Why? Well that is the day I start my week going to work at the daily hell hole and hell hole is the name I had chosen for it. I also wear Black every Monday. I know it maybe a little extreme but its how I feel about working for someone else.
I hate commuting. I hate having to take orders from someone. I hate being treated like I am 5 years old. I hate a lot of things about working for someone else.
A lot of people would say I work for the best Company in the world and that is the least bit exaggerating. But I absolutely hate it and the fanatics make me sick. And I don't want to wrap my mind up into the company just so that 20 years down the line I will hate myself for not following my Dreams. Believe me I did thoroughly think about it if I could do that and I just couldn't. And that goes for any Company!
No one tells me how much I am worth or tells me how much time I have off. Its the worst! So if you are able to follow your dreams and work from home KUDOS to you!
I am actually contemplating if I should take a Promotion or not if I am qualified. I REALLY do not want to step into that direction, but at the same time we must move onward and upward no matter what area of our life right? I just don't want to have to focus on that, then I think my mind will get twisted up into the corporate world and that scares me more than anything. Oh and I have this theory that I think I am correct about. Ok remember how I mentioned I work for one of the best big companies? Well we have GREAT Benefits and my Theory is that the company wraps you up with their Benefits like Good Health Insurance, Paid Time Off AND Vacation and of course 401K and Stock Options, plus the Annual Promotions and Raises. People see this and then they grow to depend on the Company because of the Benefits, they get stuck and trapped and think that is all that they need and want. ITS NOT! GET OUT and PURSUE THOSE DAMN DREAMS!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
30 Day Challenge?
So what I am going to do is put up a 30 Day Challenge starting Monday, October 8th 2007 with my Goals.
Building Multiple Businesses?
I find it hard to Focus so I don't think its a good idea for myself to focus on more than one business. I did one time try to do but I just don't think its possible unless you are already successful in your current business. I am Focusing on my Travel Biz, my Travel Booking site and I really want to do my Jerky Business. . That is still a lot to focus and only two are related.
So just be sure to do your Research and decide whether or not you can handle more than one Project.
Can you really get FREE Stuff Online?
The Famous Free IPod is real and I did actually get my own free black 30GB IPod for Free onOctober 2006.
Plus many other free items such as a Laptop, $500 Amex Gift Card, DS Lite, 2 $50 Gift Cards, over $1,000 PayPal Cash plus many more. If you are interested in learning more about it you can learn more about it at my GPT site JackiesGpt.com or My Blog.
Using my Free Laptop now BTW. :)
Its a FREE Brand New Toshiba Satellite with Windows Vista with a 15.4" diagonal widescreen. I am still excited about it, can't you tell? LOL.
Can you really Get Paid for taking Surveys??
The BEST place to find out about LEGITIMATE Surveys is SurveyPolice.com
Its not money that will let me retire from my 9-5 but I call it my Fun Money! :) .
My Coffee and My Laptop
aha moment!!!
Anyway I will be jotting down my ideas for it tomorrow...and isn't amazing how your BEST ideas come late at night??
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Analysis Paralysis
Ok, I am going to decide on 2-3 Marketing techniques on each of the Businesses I want to work on and get started on it on Sunday. I am just going to have to research a little further and decide which techniques would work best for each part of the business and quit this nonsense. Jerky Direct is having a Fast Start Promotion until December 31st 2007. I want to do it really bad. We are now in the beginning of October. I have 3 months to do something BIG with it.
I also want to generate ton of Sales for my Online Travel Site and of course generate Pre-Qualified Leads for my Travel Business.
Network Marketing Success Secrets
One is an ebook written by a fellow Networker Marketer Melanie Milletics. Let me tell you, she knows her stuff with Marketing especially for Network Marketing. Anyway she is giving away this great ebook for FREE on how to Market your MLM Business. :)
FREE Network Marketing Success Secrets
Friday, October 05, 2007
My Blog
My One Year Goal for Financial Independence
The Purple Cowboys
So I have been following the marketing information and re-reading it and also learning a lot in the marketing group I am in.
Like I said also in a previous post I have a dilemma coming up with a tight marketing plan. I have a couple of things I am doing but its not enough. I just want to be good, really REALLY GOOD.
On the Business that I am ACTUALLY working on YTB and my Travel Booking site and partially my Jerky Business.
I do tend to overthink things sometimes though, but I am trying to apply less thinking and more action. I mean I am taking action but I just need MORE.
Anyway my Goal I am shooting for is August 2008 and I will do it THIS YEAR.
How to Investigate Home Business Opportunities
Click HERE the Free 32 Page Report :)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Risky Business
I, consider myself a risk taker. I have taken a lot of Business risks. I love working hard core business, like high risk investments. Any Business people don't want to touch I want to be involved. Why? Because I am not going to miss out on something BIG and screaming SCAM never chases me away. A lot of people say 12DailyPro was a Scam. I saw it as something different. A lot of people say MLM is a Scam. ITS NOT. I am not going to declare whether or not 12DailyPro was a scam. Because I still have not properly formed my opinion on it and I WAS involved in it.
But aside from 12DailyPro, MLMs, HYIPs etc...I would love to get involved in the Stock Market. That Business really intrigues me and I have considered many times to become a Stock Broker.
I also want to get involved in high end direct sales like Liberty League or the 1st Step System. But I figure I can save that for when I get REALLY Good. And its all still a learning process for me after all these years.......
I would love to be a Heavy Hitter. I think I have the balls for it (excuse my french LOL). I would train my people to market and make money. I love helping people too. I am just still learning it all too.
I just know I want to have my Freedom, Time and Money and Recognition is really Important to Me. I want to feel Important, I want people to look up to me like to those I look up to. Its a big thing for me, I think its a big thing for a lot of people. We all need to feel Good and Important.
Ok so here is what I am doing....
Also, my partner is working with me and its nice to have someone you love work with you on something you love. Its a nice change.
Part of it requires me to write articles and I just have not been inspired to write articles which is my dilemma. I have wrote a couple in my day but I am still working on getting inspired to write more as it is good marketing technique and a lot of people use it.
I find it funny that I can blog here but not where I should be working LOL, I guess I need some other kind of outlet for release and accountability for myself. Back then and maybe still now a lot of people don't take me seriously Business wise, it bothered me at first but it really doesn't matter.
I also have my Jerky Business which I would like to get off the ground. I think because of the smaller fee to join would be easier for those who are afraid of a big risk. Plus I just love the Business..
I will also be placing an Ad in the paper soon, I am still trying to come up with a formal Marketing Plan, which has been proving most difficult. I don't know why its hard to come up with a list to market with consistently.
My GOAL is for Financial Independence by August 2008. I need this, I want this and I want it NOW!
My Story in Pursuit of Financial Independence
I, then got married and try to focus on my Work at Home/Financial Independent pursuits. My now (ex) husband was not in support of what I was doing but I did it anyway. I had tried product assembly and I had purchased Foreclosure lists and Car Repossession lists...then I moved!
I had moved to Mexico and we had so much money leftover from the move that we had opened up a Tienda (Store like 7-11 or Maverick). It was good, because we made money but honestly I HATED IT! Because I had to tend to the store all day. So, I enjoyed the food! LOL.
Then I came back and was still itching to make it on my own and not work and so I joined a SLEW of Businesses....literally! I don't know what came over me. But mainly I had joined Arbonne in the beginning and realized I could not do anything with that kind of business and then I made of friend at my new job where I temped after I came out of Job Corps, and she did AmeriPlan and her Upline was very Successful! But then I did not do anything with it for many months because busy with life and getting a permanent job and all and so I finally quit the Business. I was sad but I had put it behind me. I also joined Jerky Direct, Cogigen, and many others that were free and cheap to join. I was very dissatisfied but I did make money in GPT those 2-3 years I was joining all those opportunities. I was doing PTRs, Get Free Stuff and the big bad 12DailyPro plus HYIPs so I did make some money those years. I also sold AVON again for about a year and a half. I did good at it and my Jerky Business also starting off anyway. I also joined PAS which crashed right along with 12DailyPro and I was doing my best at learning Marketing and barely starting to show results before that happened.
So then finally after months debating I decided to go with YTB, because it was an honest and ethical company and I will be Posting about my Pursuit and Results and random things. Sorry for making this Post so long. I tried to fit as little in as possible LOL.